Friday, September 14, 2012

Baby Love

At 20.5 weeks in Siquijor. Needed the scarf to keep my hair in place on that windy day. A friend said I look like a pirate. Shiver me timbers! (Photo by Fel)

I am now at week 24 and I get kind of panicky when I think about how little time we have til little monster arrives. I can now understand why people always say that kids grow up too fast--I feel like this pregnancy is just zooming by!

At 23 weeks, with my best friend (34 weeks) at her glam baby shower. We call ourselves BBFFs--buntis best friends forever.

I think I'm pretty big for 24 weeks (someone thought I was seven months preggers!), and I am so worried about my blood sugar test and weigh-in tomorrow! I resolved to cut back on my sugar, but it's not that easy considering people are constantly sending me food, plus I've been eating out at great restaurants for various reasons (anniversary, mom's birthday, a NY boss was in town...). And when you're pregnant, one of the hardest things to do is to say no to food!!!

At 24 weeks: dinner with a NY boss at Las Flores

I think by next month, we really have to start thinking about details--how to rearrange the bedrooms, where we'll put all the stuff that will be displaced, finding a yaya... A few days ago, a friend asked if I had thought about whether we would be using cloth or disposable diapers. I broke out in a cold sweat, because it represented everything I hadn't thought about. I've just been enjoying being pregnant, feeling this hyper one kick and move around, hearing people tell me that I'm "glowing," and being the recipient of such good vibes from people who can't help but be nice to the little round lady.

Sixteen weeks to go. On the one hand, I want to meet the little monster already (and start running again). On the other, I really wish time would slow down--it's possessive but I like having him or her all to myself (and, well, H), and sharing those intimate moments with my husband when he kisses my tummy and whispers for the little one to kick.


  1. Hope you'll breastfeed :) Cloth diapers rock! :) I'm cloth diapering my 2nd baby, saves me a lot. Hehe. Take one day at a time!

  2. Ambilis! Ako rin , eggzoyted na for you! Take care! :)

  3. You do look like a pirate in that pic! :)

    Maybe start with disposable, since they're easy and quick to use--and the newborn size is a bargain compared to the larger sizes. That will give you time and experience to decide if you want to go with cloth instead.

    1. My husband says I look like a gypsy!

      Yeah, I was thinking of starting with disposable. A friend just told me there was some sale on cute cloth diapers, but I figured it was too early to start hoarding. At this point, who knows how the baby's bum will react to anything?

  4. ah 16 weeks to go? Don't worry, that's still a long time so don't panic!! I am sure you will get everything you need to done before the little one arrives! I can't believe someone thought you were 7 months pregnant! I think you look great-- such a perfect baby bump-- that first picture is adorable!

    1. Thank you! And P.S. you have possibly THE cutest bump on the blogosphere!:)

  5. Just reading this is making me cry...imagine if I have one of my own...
    I'm super happy for you Tishie. Relish each moment. We'll be here for you! :')


Oh, so sweet of you to drop a line!:)